Friday, April 26, 2024
Instant noodles and all the instant store-bought food items are not a healthy choice for your children. These noodles have got no nutritional value and the studies have indicated that they are leading to the problems linked to obesity in developing nations. These items are cheaper and easily available and cook...

Roll Over

WHEN DO BABIES ROLL OVER? Once your baby has head control, and around the sometime that she learns to sit down on her own with support, she’ll learn to roll over. Your baby may be able to kick herself over, from her tummy to her back, at around 4 months. It may take her until she's about 5 or 6 months...


Crawling is your baby's first routine of getting around efficiently on his own. In the standard crawl, he'll start by learning to balance on his hands and knees. Then he'll figure out how to move forward and backward by pushing off with his knees. This will help strengthening his muscles that will soon enable him to walk.
Follow the tips below to help keep your baby cool and safe during hot weather. Paddling Pool Playing in a paddling pool is a good way of keeping babies cool. Keep the pool in the shade during very hot weather and keep watch at them carefully at all times. Bath


Understanding Colic: Treatment Colic should go away by the time your baby is 4 months old. Until then, try these tips. These may soothe your colic baby and give you some relief too. 1.Feeding Tips It’s a good idea to keep a check on your baby’s formula milk or what you eat if you’re breastfeeding. Generally it’s not...
To begin with you may find it easier to use a baby bath seat, with a rubber mat or a sponge bath base. Just place your baby bath seat as it is, in the sink or place it on the rubber or sponge mat over your bathroom counter. Never leave your baby alone in the bath, not even for a...

Solid Food

You can introduce solid foods to your baby at the age of 6 months. Until then, breast milk or formula provides all the necessary nourishment. Please consult your paediatrician before introducing solid foods  to your baby. Feeding problems may happen when you start your baby on solid food. As new eaters get the hang of dealing with solids, gagging, puking,...
There are three basic ways to burp a baby, It’s best to try all three to see which one gets the job done best for your baby. 1.On your shoulder: Hold your baby firmly against your shoulder. Support her bottom with one hand, gently pat or rub her back with...

Sun Protection

Sun Safety Babies and young children can’t cool themselves as well as adults so they’re more at risk of overheating and developing a heat-related illness. The tips below will help keep your child happy and healthy in the heat: TIPS FOR LITTLE BABIES DIRECT SUNLIGHT Babies less than six months...