Saturday, May 4, 2024


Sun Protection

Sun Safety Babies and young children can’t cool themselves as well as adults so they’re more at risk of overheating and developing a heat-related illness. The tips below will help keep your...

Starting with Your Baby’s Bath

At first, bathing your baby may seem like a huge task, with all the things you have to remember before starting the bath. It will get easier day by day. Soon, your baby's bath...

Bathing / Well being

HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU WASH YOUR BABY'S HAIR? Washing your baby’s hair once or twice a week is fine, your baby’s hair produces very little oil, so you don’t need to wash his hair everyday. If...

Bath & Skin Care

BABY’S FIRST BATH! The first few times you bath your baby it’s a good idea to have someone with you to give you a bit of support. It's also helpful if you've forgotten something you...


DIAPER CHANGE This is something you’ll be doing a lot!  This section will guide you step by step on getting to grips with diaper change, and also advice you on protection against diaper rash...


HOW TO HELP YOUR BABY TO CRAWL Tummy time. From the start, give your baby tummy time long before your baby's ready to crawl. Placing your baby on his tummy and playing with him while he’s...

Keeping Your Baby Hydrated

Like adults, babies need to drink plenty of fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated. You know your baby is hydrated if there are six to eight pale wet diapers a day. For...


Understanding Colic: Treatment Colic should go away by the time your baby is 4 months old. Until then, try these tips. These may soothe your colic baby and give you some...

Burping Your Baby

A good burp during and after feedings can calm fussiness. Here are tips to help your baby burp. Tips on Burping Baby Always keep a burping towel or bib between your clothes and the baby’s...

Keeping Your Baby Cool

Follow the tips below to help keep your baby cool and safe during hot weather. Paddling Pool Playing in a paddling pool is a good way...



Sun Protection

Roll Over